Sermons_love 13 Jan 2020

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Steven Furtick — Trust Me, I'm Trying!
12 Jan 2020
Steven Furtick — Trust Me, I'm Trying!
Sermons_love · 46 Views

Steven Furtick — When The Battle Chooses You


Remind God of what He's already done when you're not sure what He's doing right now. Not so He can remember, but so you can. Come on, you need to remember, this is not your first rodeo, cowboy. This is not the first time you cried. This is not the first time you were short of breath. This is not the first time you didn't see a way clear. This is not the first time you were hurt. This is not the first time your heart was broken. This is not the first time you didn't have enough money. This is not the first diagnosis that come out from behind.

God wants His battle back. God wants His battle back. It's too big for you. It came up from behind you. You can't do it, give it back. You can't fight it, give it back. You can't figure it out, give it back. How do you give it back? That's a focus. That's looking beyond what's coming against you and looking toward what is within you to know that "...greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world", and God wants His battle back.


#StevenFurtick #Elevation #ElevationChurch #sermons #sermonslove

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Steven Furtick — Trust Me, I'm Trying!
12 Jan 2020
Steven Furtick — Trust Me, I'm Trying!
Sermons_love · 46 Views